“How do I install Cat 5 cable in my house?” (and other questions)
How do I install Cat 5 cable in my house? Google tells me that this is a frequently-asked question. There are also others. In this blog, I try and answer some of them. Who am I? An independent engineer,based in North East England, with experience of cabling houses,...
Telephone Cable – A Phone Engineer Answers Common Questions
Google claims that lots of questions are asked about telephone cable. Therefore, some of the popular ones are gathered here. They are straight from Google's "People Also Ask..." . What type of cable is used for telephone lines? - Copper cable, with a twist in each...
Phone System Maintenance. The Choice?
We are independent telephone engineers based in The North East of England. The whole issue of phone system maintenance is one we thought useful to blog on. Why? The Story So Far In an earlier blog we looked at a painful scenario. A customer had saved on annual...
Telephone System Maintenance. Contract or Not?
We are independent telephone engineers based in North East England and can provide “per fault” Telephone System Maintenance for certain systems. We network with other engineers across the UK, so can often find help from our range of contacts. As we've blogged before...
Moving Your Internet Router. An Engineer’s Advice
Moving your internet router? Yes, it's possible. Typically, it's near the front door, because that's where your master socket is. It's probably the worst possible place for it - no power socket, easily kicked around, tripped over, chewed by pets . Furthermore, there's...
Fibre Broadband FAQ
What is fibre broadband? There no shame in asking this! Here are our Fibre Broadband FAQ, based on what Google tells us folks are asking.. "Fibre" is broadband arriving at your property by means of fibre optic cable. In the past, this was carried over copper cables,...
How To Wire a Master Socket
I've noticed that the query “How To Wire a Master Socket” crops up frequently on Google. We've blogged on this topic in recent times, so it might be worth taking a look here,too. As a telephone engineer, it would pay me to make things very complex and difficult for...
Old Grey BT Drop Wire – Some FAQ
What is it? It connects your house to the telephone pole, via the outside of a building. I recall seeing it first in 1969. It's quite rare these days, and there's not much information on-line. "Time for an "Old Grey BT Drop Wire – Some FAQ" blog", I thought. What...
How Do I Get My Netflix To Stop Buffering? An Engineer’s Fix.
I am an independent telephone/broadband engineer. I've recently carried out work at a couple of houses to address Netflix buffering. Was it fixed? Yes. There is a simple solution which may just lead to a “buffer-free” life. However, I thought I'd put the whole issue...
The “Cut Internal Phone Line” Problem
In recent blogs, I've addressed frequently asked questions relating to home phone lines. Here's the next one – the “cut internal phone line” I've included the cable on the outside of your property, too. This tends to induce more of a panic among users than a...
How to Fix Cut Underground Phone Line. An Engineer Shares Advice.
Another frequently-searched phrase according to Google is “how to fix cut underground phone line” It Happens Frequently – Don't Worry. Only last night I was contacted by a home-owner. His builders had unexpectedly met a cable when doing some groundwork. The situation...
Phone Socket Wiring – BT Master Socket, The Orange and White and Other Mysteries
Once again, a quick look at Google reveals that lots of people ask questions around the subject of “BT master socket wiring orange white” (Really? OK Google, we'll believe you). It looks to us that the whole area of phone socket wiring and cables confuses folks. We...