Avaya SDX INDeX Support, The Past, and The Future.

Avaya SDX INDeX Support, The Past, and The Future.

I have a deep affection for INDeX, which went “end of life” in May 2009. But with like a number of notable other PABX, Avaya SDX INDeX Support is still to be found.  It’s certainly not “all over”for this reliable and respected platform....
Nortel BT Meridian Option 11 Support

Nortel BT Meridian Option 11 Support

Do we offer Meridian Option 11 Support? Yes indeed. Oh, and for the -61 and -81, too. The Nortel Meridian 1 was reputedly the most numerous PABX on the planet, designed around military requirements, and amazingly robust. It’s supposedly “end of life”...