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Avaya SDX INDeX Support, The Past, and The Future.

I have a deep affection for INDeX, which went “end of life” in May 2009. But with like a number of notable other PABX, Avaya SDX INDeX Support is still to be found.  It’s certainly not “all over”for this reliable and respected platform.

Respected? It was a system that seemed to have been designed and marketed by people who actually had an understanding of the telecommunications industry, rather than a far east electronics giant who saw telephony as another branch of consumer electronics.

And it was packed with sensible features, few “show-stopping” black holes of programming stupidity, and was supported well by professionals who you could actually reach and knew what they were talking about.

“Fast Eddie Telecom”, or “Wayne Carr Communications” could not simply buy this kit and start selling from a lock-up to make a fast buck and feed a car and lap-dancing habit. No, sir. The distribution strategy was well thought out, and exclusive; a few carefully-chosen resellers, well-nurtured and carefully placed. And to sell this equipment, you needed to attend around six gruelling courses, and pass a stiff exam. Oh, and I don’t have space to tell you about the ease of slotting in an INDeX cassette into any slot in the chassis, or the elegant phones, etc, etc. Yes, I liked it.

Of course, no manufacturer  wants to become a PABX preservation society, especially The Mighty Avaya;  they need to make and sell things. But this is not The End.

Telecom Green Ltd inhabit  the other end of the industry,  maintaining and extending the life of perfectly servicable and stable equipment. It’s  fun down here, and hugely gratifying to keep proven and rugged old systems alive. So, we can provide an alternative outlook on the whole issue. It’s not all bad new. Why?

Parts will still be available. The rush to VOIP has resulted in the second-user market becoming awash with all manner of components. There’s no shortage of spare hardware. Far from it. And prices are low.

Knowledge and support will still be obtainable. Many sites are still up and running. Therefore they need maintainers. Hence knowledge and skill are still around, embodied in experienced and skilful engineers. One maintainer with whom we work is a former INDeX help desk and research chap, has access to the heritage of “higher level knowledge” . Think “main dealer” versus “independent classic specialist” as seen in the automotive world

The systems will still be durable. The  INDeX range was designed to be durable. Earlier generation systems had a better quality of component n comparison with later models. “Old” means reliable, debugged, tough , proven.

And software is not a issue. It’s possible to simply substitute complete CPU cassettes, such is the availability of spares. And most of the older systems have long since received bug patches. They are rugged platforms with stable software. Even the MOD use them, so I understand.

And there are plenty still out there! We were recently approached to find Avaya SDX INDeX Support for a network of ten systems, all merrily buzzing away in their second decade of service.

So,  I’m not greatly threatened by “end of life” scares. We love keeping legacy PABX systems alive, generally “beating the system” through Avaya SDX INDeX Support And we’ve helped users of many PABX across the UK from Aberdeen to The West Country since 1999 . So if you suspect we can help, please get in touch.

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